NTCIR-15: SHINRA2020-ML System Data Download

NTCIR-15: SHINRA2020-ML System Data Download

You need an account to get any of the data for the task. Please create your SHINRA account at SHINRA: Sign in page.

Evaluation Results:

The SHINRA2020-ML evaluation results are shown in:

Please use Notes on SHINRA2020-ML Evaluation Report as a reference.

Participant Runs (merged):

The run results submitted by participant groups are merged into a file for each language.

In the following example, single lines are split over multiple lines and white space characters are inserted for human readability.
See SHINRA2020-ML: Data Formats for the details of the submission format.




  • SHINRA2020-ML Task Overview :
    Satoshi Sekine, Masako Nomoto, Kouta Nakayama, Asuka Sumida, Koji Matsuda, and Maya Ando. 2020.
    Overview of SHINRA2020-ML Task. In Proceedings of the NTCIR-15 Conference. (to be published)
  • SHINRA2020-ML website : SHINRA2020-ML