- [Sekine2022] 関根聡, 中山功太, 野本昌子, 安藤まや, 隅田飛鳥, 松田耕史,
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- [Nomoto2022] 野本昌子, 宇佐美佑, 安藤まや, 中山功太, 関根聡,
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- [Sekine2021b] Satoshi Sekine, Kouta Nakayama, Maya Ando, Yu Usami, Masako Nomoto and Koji Matsuda,
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- [Nakayama2021a] 中山功太, 栗田修平, 馬場雪乃, 関根聡,
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- [Sekine2021a] 関根聡, 野本昌子, 中山功太, 隅田飛鳥, 松田耕史, 安藤まや,
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- [Sekine2020b] Satoshi Sekine, Masako Nomoto, Kouta Nakayama, Asuka Sumida, Koji Matsuda, and Maya Ando,
Overview of SHINRA2020-ML Task, In Proceedings of the NTCIR-15 Conference.[slide], [poster]
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- [Yoshikawa2020] Hiyori Yoshikawa, Chunpeng Ma, Aili Shen, Qian Sun, Chenbang Huang, Guillaume Pelat, Akiva Miura, Daniel Beck, Timothy Baldwin and Tomoya Iwakura,
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- [Nakayama2020a] 中山功太, 栗田修平, 小林暁雄, 関根聡,
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- [Kobayashi2020] 小林暁雄, 中山功太, 安藤まや, 関根聡,
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- [Sekine2019b] Satoshi Sekine, Akio Kobayashi, Kouta Nakayama,
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